Non-GMO: What You Need to Know

Non-GMO: What You Need to Know

Written by: Ei-Xia Mussai , Feb 2024

Walking down the aisle of the grocery store, you’ve likely seen products mention that they are non-GMO certified or contain non-GMO ingredients. But what does that mean? Are these products better or safer than those that contain GMOs? The debate between the benefits of eating non-GMO versus GMO products has been long standing and can be pretty confusing. Read on as we shed some light on the matter.


What are GMOs and non-GMOs?

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are living organisms such as plants or animals that have had their genetic material (DNA) altered by technology to have specific desirable qualities (FDA, 2023). These qualities could be to improve the appearance or nutrition of the food (such as soybeans that contain healthier oils or apples that don’t brown after being cut), or to increase insect or drought resistance, helping plants to survive through challenging conditions. These types of foods are considered “conventional” foods because they are widely used as ingredients in many of the food products we consume. On the other hand, non-GMOs are living organisms that have not been modified by technology. 


How do GMOs compare to non-GMOs?

Both conventional and non-GMO foods are healthy and nutritious options that can be considered in a well-balanced diet (Garg et al., 2018). Health Canada and the Food and Drug Administration in the USA support the safety of conventional foods. In fact, Health Canada states that there are no more risks for human health by consuming genetically modified (GM) foods over non-GM foods and that there are additional strict regulations and safety assessments that are implemented for GM foods (Health Canada, 2022). Conventional foods also have economic and global food security benefits by allowing farmers to have better, more successful crop yields to support growing populations, and by growing crops that have added nutritional benefits for populations that may struggle to obtain enough of certain essential nutrients (Garg et al., 2018).


What are some benefits of non-GMOs?

Although conventional foods are deemed safe for consumption and have socioeconomic benefits, some consumers may be concerned over the potential health and environmental impacts, such as the development of cancer or the overuse of herbicides in fields. These concerns have been investigated but require further long-term research. Non-GMO foods may be an alternative choice for those looking to reduce their GMO consumption. The use of non-GMO crops may also help to preserve traditional or heirloom varieties, which contribute to sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, and crop resilience amongst GMO varieties (Korpelainen, 2023). Lastly, consumer interest for non-GMO foods also provides an economic opportunity and incentive to farmers to continue partaking in farming of non-GMO foods. 


Does REMIX use non-GMO ingredients?

Both of our products, Bean Bark and BEANIES, are predominantly made using non-GMO ingredients along with a few conventional ingredients. Give them a try today, they’re the snack you’ve BEAN waiting for!



Garg, M., Sharma, N., Sharma, S., Kapoor, P., Kumar, A., Chunduri, V., & Arora, P. (2018). Biofortified Crops Generated by Breeding, Agronomy, and Transgenic Approaches Are Improving Lives of Millions of People around the World. Frontiers in nutrition, 5, 12.

Health Canada. (2022, August 5). Novel food: Safety of genetically modified foods. Government of Canada. 

Korpelainen H. (2023). The Role of Home Gardens in Promoting Biodiversity and Food Security. Plants (Basel, Switzerland), 12(13), 2473. 


U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2023, April 19). How GMOs are regulated in the United States. 

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